Church News Sunday 15th October

SUNDAY CLUB AND FYF Sunday Club and FYF are on holiday until 29th October. There is a Crèche for pre-school children each Sunday morning.

PRAYER GROUP Prayer meetings continue on Wednesday mornings at 10am in the Church hall. Prayer is the essential powerhouse of the Church, and your participation would be greatly valued. The small group is very friendly, and there is no pressure to pray aloud if you do not wish to.

HIGHLAND FOODBANK Don’t forget the foodbank over the “tattie” holidays. Your donations are needed more than ever. Please just add an item extra to your shopping each week. It makes such a difference to the lives of people in our local area.

PASTORAL CARE  If you need some help either around the house or to be taken to an appointment, please contact the Team. You can do this either by contacting your elder or by contacting Anne Mackay (01349 861909) and we will try our best to be of assistance. Please allow time for arrangements to be made.

LIFE AND WORK Anyone wishing to take out a new subscription to “Life & Work” for 2018 (cost £30 for one year) should contact Mhairi Mackenzie (tel. 861137) by 31st October.  After the order has been placed no changes can be made.

LADIES BIBLE STUDY The group meets each Wednesday in the small Hall at 1.30pm for approximately an hour. Daniel is the book which is being studied this session using the Cover to Cover notes entitled “Living Boldly for God” Do give serious consideration to coming along to read and study God’s word. A very warm welcome awaits you.

FLOWER CALENDAR The Flower Team would like to thank everyone who has been involved this past year with the Sunday flowers, the Easter daffodils and the Harvest Thanksgiving.  We are very grateful for all your help in any way and I am sure the congregation appreciates the beautiful displays.  At the time of writing there are still three spaces left in the 2018 Flower Calendar. If you can possibly help please put your name and contact number down on the list, which is on the table at the back of the church.  It is not necessary; though always welcome, to do the flowers in an arrangement. There are a selection of vases available in the annex of the church.  If possible, please try to avoid using lilies as some people can to be allergic to them.  The flowers/arrangement can be uplifted following the service and are yours to keep/distribute as you wish.  Donations are also always welcome towards our Flower Fund, which can help with our larger events. Contact Jeannette Cameron 01463 870416.

KIRK SESSION The next meeting of the Kirk Session will be on Thursday 19th October at 7.00pm and it will meet in the Church hall. Minutes and Agendas are available to uplift now. Elders who get their Minutes and Agenda by email should have received them by now.  Members of the congregation are welcome to attend Kirk Session Meetings as observers but are not allowed to contribute to any discussions that take place unless invited to do so by the Chairperson. Also, from time to time observers may be asked to leave a meeting if any items of Restricted Business are on the Agenda.

HTC PUBLIC CLASSES The next series of Highland Theological College Public Classes starts on Wednesday 25th Oct and runs for five weeks (to Wednesday 22nd Nov). Rev Dr Alistair Wilson, New Testament lecturer, will be taking ‘A Look at Luke – Narrative Fulfilment and Witness’. The classes take place on Wednesday afternoons, from 2-3pm, at HTC in Dingwall. All welcome, no need to book, just turn up. There is no fee to attend but donations would be gratefully received

Harvest Thanksgiving Offering The retiring offering at our Harvest Thanksgiving service amounted to a wonderful £289.50. Many, many thanks to all you generous people. This will help the Viyele congregation greatly as they continue their work to support frail and destitute older people in their community.

The Leprosy Mission There are a few copies of the latest newsletter Dochas available on the table at the back of the Church. Please take one to discover more about the work of TLM Scotland. There are also several copies of the Leprosy Mission catalogue, which includes Christmas cards, calendars and many items which would make good Christmas gifts. Please take a copy to look through, and return it for others to use. Orders over £50 are sent free of postage and packing, so if you can get your order to Janet Winchester by Sunday 5th November we can take advantage of that. Alternatively, take an order form and order directly from TLM. If anyone has been collecting for TLM, please also hand your donation to Janet Winchester for onward transmission.

CROSSREACH The Calendars and some cards which have been ordered are now available for uplifting from the annex. No money is required at this stage.

MAN FRIDAY The Man Friday Group of Culbokie Church Centre invite menfolk from the area to their Film Show on Friday 27th October, 7.15 for 7.30pm. They will be showing the Ealing Studios “The Maggie”. Produced in 1954 it is the comic tale about MacTaggart, a wily Scottish ship captain who cons a rich American into letting “The Maggie” carry his furniture to a Scottish Island. Wine and nibbles will be available. The group meet monthly on the last Friday of the month, book a speaker, and enjoy the fellowship engendered.”​

PASTORAL DUTIES Rev’d Russel Smith can be contacted on 861011 if required for any Pastoral duties.

Order of Service for this week